Thanks for visiting lifepointe

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Visiting a new church can be intimidating, so thanks for facing that with us! Our primary desire is that you feel the love of Jesus from the moment you walk through the doors! God loves you -- and we do too. Our goal is to be a place of new beginnings and to help answer any questions you might have. Here are a few things you may have missed your first time here.

Special events

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We always have something special cooking on the burners. There are events that happen only once a year, like mission trips or conferences and there are other events that are more regular. You can see all of them on the calendar page of our website where we lay out everything coming soon. Here are a few things that happen more regularly. 

Mommy & Me: Every Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Men's Breakfast: The second Saturday of every month at 8:30 a.m.

Youth Group: Every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m.


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We know kids are not alway excited to run into a room full of strangers on their first visit at a new church, but we want you to know when they are ready so are we. We have something for every age group. 

Nursery from Zero to One: We'll watch them, hold them, and change them if needed.

Toddlers from One to Three: We make sure they only put in their mouth what is supposed to go there and pick them up when they fall.

Preschool from Three to Grade School: We start digging into their excitement towards wonder and discovery as we teach about biblical truths.

Elementary from Kinder to Fourth Grade: With a new life application each month, we engage with dynamic teachings and fun activities.  

Stop by the check in station in the East Hall and get your kids registered for class.

Got questions

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If you have further questions concerning your experience or visiting Lifepointe Church, simply click the link below and get in touch with us!    roundedemail